Unreal the blueprints were created in a wrong way apparently
Hello, I have an issue with the models from hightech streets in Unreal engine 5. when I imported the kit, the models in actors folder are blueprints which have static mesh in empty static mesh component and I can't remove that empty static mesh. Because of this, UE5 shows errors when compiling " (mesh reference).. static mesh actor has null static mesh proprety". How can't I fix this issue ? So, the issue is that I cannot build landscape or the game because I use many assets coming from your kits and I didn't pay attention that the blueprints were created in a wrong way apparently. Here is a screenshot of the errors
Maxx Burman
Phil Kuzmicz
idris OULMANE I just thought of another potential fix for your solution if you do not want to go through the process of fixing each individual BP manually.
You could use the Merge Actors tool to merge all the static meshes in your BP actors to Instanced Static Meshes(ISMs). This will only work assuming your meshes are going to be static and you are not referencing them in any C++ or BP logic, because this process would break those links.
Here are the steps:
- Open the Merge Actors tool found under Tools>Merge Actors
- Change the Merge Method to Batch
- Change the type of instanced component to "HierarchicalInstancedStaticMeshComponent" if you want to keep LOD functionality on the meshes
- Select all the BP actors you are merging
- Press the Merge Actors button
This method should automatically get rid of NULL static mesh inputs, and will also make it so that duplicate meshes do not add to draw calls. To ensure that this is not a destructive process, make sure "Replace Source Actors" is not checked on. You will notice that all your original actors will be made hidden in editor and hidden in game, and your ISMs will be combined into one Actor with ISM subcomponents for each unique mesh.
This is a fix that will have to be applied for each level of your game, so it may not save you time if you have many levels.
I hope this helps!
Phil Kuzmicz: Thanks for the tip, I thought of that before, but at this stage of work I can't change merge them yet
It is not possible to delete the empty one because it have the actual static mesh as a child and no way to move the child to the root of the BP to be able to delete the empty one.
Phil Kuzmicz
idris OULMANE: In my project I am able to delete and reparent objects in the blueprint editor as shown in the screenshots below. Can you share a screenshot of what these options look like for you and what Unreal shows in your Output Log when you attempt this?
Phil Kuzmicz: Thank you for your reply, weirdly now that I opened the assets again the delete option isn't grayed out but still when I delete the parent null static mesh, the 1st static mesh under becomes the parent but it reposition to the center and no way to move it to its original position, therefore, I found a workround by adding a scene component and than move all the meshes under it and than delete the empty mesh. Is there anyway to do this on all the other mesh blueprints because there is 86 BP to edit like this in the actors folder ? :/
Phil Kuzmicz
idris OULMANE: Ahhh yes, that is not ideal! Instead of deleting the Static Mesh actor right away you can replace the root with a "Scene" actor, which is the default root component for Actor blueprints. Here are the steps:
- Open the blueprint
- Left-click the "Add" dropdown
- Search for "Scene" and left click it
- Left-click drag and drop the Scene component over the root Static Mesh component that is empty
- Delete the empty Static Mesh component that is no longer the root
Phil Kuzmicz
idris OULMANE: Beat me to the punch on that fix! lol. You could potentially script an editor utility widget to parse through those actions, but I am actually not 100% sure an EUW handles parsing through blueprint assets very well. I will definitely let the KB3D guys know it is an issue that should be fixed on the kit, but I am not sure at what speed they can fix it and push out an update to all the actors.
Phil Kuzmicz
idris OULMANE: FYI I was just informed that the most recent version of the High Tech Streets kit is set with proper scene roots if you would like to download and replace the old assets with the fixed ones.
Phil Kuzmicz: Thank you, yes, I thought that maybe there will be some blueprinting automation that can do that, but I'm not good to that point to make it 😅
Phil Kuzmicz: that is a really good news !! 😀
Phil Kuzmicz
Hey idris OULMANE, If you open the blueprint asset by selecting "Edit in Blueprint" can you delete the empty static mesh actor there?
Steven Ibale