[Kit Feedback] Add LODs
Richard Michael Smith
The assets look amazing but at a very high rendering cost. I suggest either levels-of-detail be included in the kits or new kits where meshes are much lower poly and the details are baked into very high resolution textures. The texture size should be as big as possible because we can always reduce them.
To be clear: I am not requesting a "low poly style". The assets should still be as realistic as possible just with lower overhead.
Ty Xanders
This is an old post but I thought it'd be a good idea to input.
I actually don't think I like the idea of LODs in packs as it:
- increases the packs author time significantly
- increases the complexity integrating cleanly into your own workflow and conventions ( you'd have to add/remove LODs create new ones based in your project needs.
- creates a bias toward real-time rendering meaning unessential files for offline rendering or extra storage requirements for servers.
- creates a large overhead for custom edits
Maxx Burman
Merged in a post:
[Kit Feedback] Add LODs for Unity
Stevan Anastasoff
The single most useful thing for me when using your kits would be to have built in LODs in the Unity prefabs - it would save hours of time everytime I need to use a new kit!
Shelby Goldstein
Merged in a post:
Low poly version PLEASE !
Your kits are stunning but my 12Core processor struggles with the poly count
Dominick Critelli
Yeah, these kits are great but essentially unusable for me. They choke my computer to death even when decimated. Instead of providing all the assets as a single obj, which doesn't make sense to me. Provide separated OBJ units in a lower res.