Sample Scenes for Unreal Engine
Steven Chen
Michael Höglund Leland Green Just curious, why would these scenes be helpful for you? What would it help you with specifically?
Leland Green
Maybe some simple ones with some "pieces" assembled into small scenes. Even with simple or no terrain?
Edit: Just so we could drop a player in it and "play through" the level by going between buildings, etc. (Or maybe you'd create a FPV camera? It would be fine without that, just as a starting point.)
Oh! It would also be fantastic is if we could get the scene you use for the "cover photo" of each kit! (They could be available for download separately.)
Michael Höglund
Steven Chen I’m doing indie filmmaking and it would save me a lot of time if I just had some templates “stages” to place my cast in, and then start from there.
Ideally, having a couple of basic stages for each environment: indoor stage (if applicable) and outdoor stages.
Leland Green
That's a good idea.
However, if we get sample scenes for Unreal, we should also have them for Unity and other supported platforms. (Ideally as templates, IMHO.) If not at the same time as the Unreal templates drop, then soon after.