[Feature Request] Cargo + C4D 2024 Support
Vixay Siriphongphanh
Just trying Cargo for the first time.
"Error 104. Cargo could not find Cinema 4d"
I tried uninstalling and reinstalling, Unreal, Blender, and all Maxon products..
Cinema 4D seems to be the only one not connecting to Cargo.
Does Cargo currently support Cinema 4d 2024?
Maxx Burman
C4D 2024 support has been added to Cargo v1.1.1. Full release notes can be found here: https://feedback.kitbash3d.com/changelog/cargo-v111-vehicles
Andrew Williams
Maxx Burman: I'm not seeing it?
Maxx Burman
Andrew Williams: Couple questions to check on:
- Do you have 2024 currently installed on your computer? Cargo will only show found software.
- Are you able to get setup C4D with Advanced Software Setup?
Looking into this now
Andrew Williams
Maxx Burman: Yes I'm using 2024.1.0. And yes it looks like advanced set up worked. 👍
Maxx Burman
Andrew Williams: Glad it worked! We'll investigate why it's not showing up in the drop down menu and add that to the next release
Andrew Walker
Maxx Burman: This isn't working for me. Not allowing me to even select "Cinema4D" in the simple setup. And the Advanced setup is just getting stuck on the "Software Setup Complete" dialog and won't actually complete so Cargo thinks there is no software setup. C4D Does see the plugin though.
Jazmin Truesdale
Maxx Burman: I'm having the same issue as well. I went through process and said setup was complete. I even found the plugin in c4d and it shows connected but cargo is not recognizing it. It keeps asking me to setup software...and then gets stuck in a loop showing that it's set up, asking me to setup, and then eventually saying it can't find the software.
Maxx Burman:still facing some issue after successfully completely instaledl in c4d 2024. Please advise
Corbin Huggins
this post was made in September and it's now November, this seems like it should be a quick fix and a relatively important one at that. Are we any closer?
Andrew Williams
Would also like to see this soon. I can't even find the plugin to try to install manually. Is it not in one of the two C4D plugin locations?
Maxx Burman
in progress
Charcoal Ghost
Maxx Burman: Any news on C4D 2024 compatibility???
sharon palkowetz
I second this!! By the time you guys get around to it, another version will be out
sharon palkowetz
Any movement on this? I'd love to start using 2024, but now i have to use 2023 to use cargo and then open it in 2024. PLEASE update the plugin for 2024!!
Shelby Goldstein
Hey there! Cargo doesn't currently support C4D 2024, but it is something that we will be working on to release in the future. You can continue to follow this post for future status updates as we work on this.
sharon palkowetz
Shelby Goldstein: I hope soon! I would love to jump to the new version of C4D, but I use Cargo alot now! It's your fault! You guys got your amazing tool running for C4D, and now I'm in love with it! PLEASE get the update out for C4D 2024! thanks!
sharon palkowetz
Shelby Goldstein: Is there an update on Cargo and C4D 2024? thanks!
Bo Jacober
sharon palkowetz: Hi Sharon - no update yet! We'll keep you posted on this thread for developments.
sharon palkowetz
Bo Jacober: is there any way to manually install it? Because having to open 2023 to get the assets is getting cumbersome and taking up space. Thanks. All that time you saved me by being able to open my project and drop in assets is now being used up having to find a workaround. useless.