[Bug] Automatic Update not working
under review
Maxx Burman
under review
Had the same but on 1.05
On .10 there is the same bug for the plugin update.
Shelby Goldstein
Merged in a post:
Update page doesn't work
When I launch Cargo and there's a new version, the "update and relaunch" screen stays up a few seconds, then closes and the application launches.
Even if I hit the "update" button fast enough and the panel changes to "updating" it still closes nearly instantly, and the "old" version loads.
I have to manually download the update and install it to get the latest. This is the 3rd update in a row that has had this problem.
Currently I'm running 1.07 on Windows 10.
Shelby Goldstein
Thanks for reporting this bug Brian Cochran. Our Engineering team will be looking further into this to see what the root cause might be. In the meantime, could you try uninstalling and reinstalling Cargo to access the latest version?
Brian Cochran
Shelby Goldstein: Thank you, Shelby. Okay, I uninstalled 1.0.7, then re-downloaded Cargo and installed it. I'm now on ver. 1.0.8. So I'll just do that if another update fails. Maybe it'll work on this version for me. Thanks again for your help!
Shelby Goldstein
Brian Cochran: Next time you see a Cargo update, try capturing a screen recording when you update to see if you can catch any funny business for our team to see in action. That would be helpful for our team to see in order to diagnose what the issue might be. Glad everything is working for you now though!
Brian Cochran
Shelby Goldstein: I made an mp4 screen recording and converted it to an animated gif but it won't let me upload either files. The mp4 is only 9mb. the gif is 179mb. Let me know how I can send this to you.
Gordon Walton
Shelby Goldstein: This issue happened today. I believe the issue is caused by automatic login. If you save your login information, then cargo pauses for a short time on the login screen, then grey it out and log in automatically. During this time, if there is an update, it shows the update screen with an update button to click, and then logs in automatically taking you to the main screen. The only way I got around this was to log out, shut cargo down, then when it restarts it stays on the screen with the update button, so I can click it.
In my opinion, if there is an update, automatic login should be temporarily disabled so it stays on the update screen.