[Kit Request] Elven, Orcish, and Dwarven Cities
As the title states… I’d love to see Eleven architecture in a woodland setting. It would also be cool to see a Dwarven city kit with stone architecture that could be used stand alone and as cities built into mountains/caverns… With the typical giant stone gates, bridges, giant forges, stone buildings/houses, statues, etc.
As for the Orcish/tribal stuff, I think there was something like this that may have been retired? Not sure though.
Michael Reese
Merged in a post:
River City
Glenn Grillo
thin tall Spires and elegant twisting organic buildings Lord of the Rings style and forest elf dwellings in giant trees
La Pienaar
Also really excited about an extensive Elven kit!!!
Michael Reese
Heyo! Just following-up on this! We have released Iron Forge which could fit many of your Dwarven kit needs! Thanks for the other kit ideas!
Maxx Burman
Merged in a post:
Kit Request Dwarven kits
Steven Ibale
I'm needing like about ten dwarven kits, my goal is to fill the editor workspace with level and then going in and adding the finer details once i"ve filled the playable unreal grid
Maxx Burman
Merged in a post:
future kit's
David Autumn
was hoping for a whole ton of dwarf kits. also can you guy's make enterable buildings interriors with doors and stairs? if the inside was modular, then a customer would have assets to make interiors and backgrouds, art by just dropping the interiors Arch structures and creating two assets, also if they were even more moudular for some of the things, like I remember some of the models had like one building mest for the whole skyscraper, if they were just a sky scrapper wall and different walls we could make our own buildings in the editror, instead of bringing in a tower, might take a bit longer on the level design side but it's less overhead than bringing in the whole skyscraper mesh, even with nanite, less is more. 😊
You sent
Also is there a way to request themed set's like dwarves, like a whole modular set of an underground fortress in a mountainside, the mountain would be the transition scenery from the landscape actor and then the entrance and a wide variety of floors walls ceilings doors and beams, then another set might be the undermines, and another set could be the cave, or a forge, shops, official buildings, temples houses, castles, a great hall, a volcano with caves and tunnels, armory, stable etc each being it's own theme for a set, and then maybe an elven set, hobbits, dragons orcs etc. It's a bit generic, ik but it's a bit easier than trying to come up with concepts for sci fi imo.
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You sent
happy zbrushing!
You sent
also if it was all snapped to the grid in unreal and could be found on the marketplace that'd be awesome, and the max or maya, or blende files were all in metric snapping to 10k and then go smaller and everything is the correct scale, for doors and such, I'd thinking that you don't need as much time on the textures, cause tbh everything just ends up looking the same it's all the same generic kits, where the only dif is the layout and lighting, however, if they were just zbrush high poly files, then everyone would be able to mod them, add their own details, and textures, they might all feel new again! like a 100k base mesh seems pretty reasonable for nanite imo! Also if you could make some assets like the image where there is an optional bottom kit that snaps into the dwarf kit, it might make it more versatile, like one kit could be used first or 3rd person, and then another kit like the image could be used for a top down kit, like maybe make a dwarven ceiling kit that snaps onto the floor wall kit, or a ground kit that snaps below the dwarven wall kit so you can get exactly what you need for your game, or get like a mega kit that comes with all three smaller kits!
Maxx Burman
Maxx Burman: Can’t wait! If this includes the Elven architecture as well, would it be possible to merge the “treehouse village” post in? Though that OP mentions Ewoks and the like, I think it would fall into Elvish tree home aesthetic (Kokiri from Ocarina of Time style homes spring to mind as well)!
Maxx Burman
J_KARNAGE: We have a Gaea Kit that is very similar to this:
Let me know if that's what you're talking about!
Maxx Burman: Yeah, I see what you mean. That could work! I think the first image shown in this post is more of what I was envisioning (actual straw huts nestled in a canopy with bridges interconnecting them): https://kitbash3d.canny.io/kit-requests/p/kit-request-tree-village